Window XP

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Removing all icons from the desktop (Window XP users)

To get rid of junk icons on your desktop to be able to see desktop wallpaper and not have view of the wallpaper blocked by useless icons, one great way to win the never-ending desktop war is to just disable the desktop’s ability to show the icons and instead place the most common desktop icons, such as My Computer and the Recycle Bin, on the Quick Launch bar.Disabling the icons on the desktop is actually a very simple task.
To get started,just right-click Desktop. Then expand Arrange Icons By and select Show Desktop Icons to unselect it.
After a few seconds, the icons will disappear.Don’t worry, the icons and folder on your desktop were not deleted. If you ever want to turn the icons back on, just repeat the preceding steps once more.This is a very simple way to quickly clean up the desktop.

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